I continually wonder how some of the far right came to be as crazy and untethered from reality. At the top of the list - okay, right behind some of the looniest
fundamentalist Christians -are the
birthers who, despite all of the evidence, continue to insist that Barack Obama, a/k/a the Liar-in-Chief, is not a native born citizen of the United States. They apparently failed geography and American history since
Obama's birth in Hawaii makes him a U. S. citizen much more firmly than John
McSenile who was born in the former Panama Canal Zone. One such K
ool-Aid drinking
birther is Lt. Col. Terrence
Lakin, an Army physician (I don't believe I'd want him treating me if he's this nuts), who refused to follow orders based upon his insistence that Obama had failed to prove his Constitutional eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief. Fortunately, the court martial which took up
Lakin's case was not amused and convicted
Lakin on all charges. Here are highlights from
Wing Nut Daily, which will likely try to make
Lakin a hero/martyr:
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin apologized today for forcing the Army to court-martial him in hopes of compelling President Barack Obama to prove his Constitutional eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief.
Convicted on all four charges against him, Lakin told his court-martial panel he is through disobeying orders and would resume his military career if the Army would let him.
Note this comment from a
birther blogger:
I am angry about this," said court-martial observer Dr. Catherine Vandemoer, a well-known blogger on eligibility issues who traveled from North Dakota to support Lakin. "The system has failed," Vandemoer told WND. "They crushed him, and the questions about Obama's eligibility have still not been answered."
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