Today [yesterday], The Daily Caller printed a memo written by Freedom Federation founder Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel that was distributed to his Religious Right allies laying out the ten senators they intended to target: Senators need to know that they will be held accountable for how they vote on this issue. Within the next 48 hours be sure to communicate with your constituencies that the following ten Senators in the following states must be contacted, urging them to vote against overturning DADT:
Ben Nelson – Nebraska; Jon Tester – Montana; Kent Conrad – North Dakota; Joe Manchin – West Virginia; Jim Webb – Virginia; Claire McCaskill – Missouri; Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe – Maine; Scott Brown – Massachusetts; Lisa Murkowski – Alaska
Family Research Council took it a step further and officially announced that they will "endorse and fund conservative primary challengers to any U.S. Senator who votes to overturn 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' during the lame-duck session":
FRC Action PAC will work to remove any U.S. Senator who would place liberal special interests ahead of the priorities of the American people. . . . . the men and women of the Armed Forces who are engaged in fighting two wars should not be distracted by Congress using them to advance a liberal social agenda. Using the Senate’s time in the lame-duck session to pay back his liberal political base is simply absurd and demonstrates once again Senator Reid’s misplaced priorities. Members of the Senate should refuse to become accomplices in helping Harry Reid advance his agenda over the American people’s agenda,” concluded Mackey.
Never mind that polls show that 77% of the public and even a majority of Republicans favor repeal. The Christianists continue to live in their bizarre bubble like world that doesn't countenance that their version is increasingly rejected - especially by younger voters who are opting more and more to place themselves in the "no religion" category. It will be the "godly Christians" like the shrill Pharisees at FRC and the Vatican that ultimately kill Christianity.
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