Sunday, October 10, 2010

Is Obama an Outright Liar or Living in an Alternate Universe?

The speech of Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to our faux "fierce advocate" Barack Obama, at HRC's self-fellatio event last night is available here and one can only wonder whether Obama think's we are all utter cretins (or ass kissers like Joe Solmonese) or whether he's living in some altered reality that is light years different from what we in the LGBT community see unfold in our lives daily. Frankly, Obama would have been better off to have sent no one to the HRC event than to send someone who lied through their teeth and insulted anyone with a brain who has followed actual events over the last 19 months. The following is a video via Metro Weekly that shows Jarrett's reality challenged remarks (warning, get you vomit bag ready):

For LGBT Americans in the majority of states absolutely NOTHING has changed under Obama: DADT discharges continue and send a clear message to LGBT teens that they are deemed inferior and/or freaks; we can be fired at will from our jobs for being gay; our life committed relationships have zero recognition; and we often can face discrimination in housing. Thus, the question is what has gotten better? Some of Jarrett's lines that truly make me what to hurl are as follows:
No young person should have to endure a life of relentless taunts and harassment, just because they're gay. On behalf of President Obama, I want to make clear that this administration is firmly committed to working with you and other advocates. For we all have to ensure that we are creating an environment in our schools, our communities, and our country, that is safe for every person, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Talk is cheap and from Obama and Ms. Jarrett, all we get is talk. If Obama wanted to send gay teens a message, he'd suspend DADT discharges TODAY. Of course, we all know he won't and that his lackies in the Justice Department will likely appeal the Log Cabin Republicans v. United States ruling.
And what is clear is that this depends on all of us. It depends on changing laws, and changing hearts. It depends on creating an environment in which our children feel safe to be themselves. And it depends on reaching all of our young people, and letting them know that we care about them, and that want them to thrive and reach for their dreams, without fear. That's exactly what President Obama said when he spoke to children across this country at the start of this school year.
It seems that the first heart that needs to be changed is Obama's. If he believed in ANY of Jarrett's remarks, he'd have signed an executive order ending DADT discharges. That he has refused to do so tells me all that I need to know. At this point, I have no use for either HRC or Barack Obama. Doesn't Hillary in 2012 have a nice ring?

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