As you are well aware, our religious liberties are under constant attack as expressions of faith continue to be removed from the public square and mocked by those in the media, academia and other cultural institutions. We are now to the point where college students are being told they have to renounce their Christian faith in order to graduate. Learn how we got to this place in our history, what is being done about it and what is your role in reshaping our culture to respect the biblical principles that our nation was founded upon.
This summit is free to pastors and lunch will be provided. You will leave equipped and motivated to stand for truth in a culture that has bought the lies of the world.
This summit is free to pastors and lunch will be provided. You will leave equipped and motivated to stand for truth in a culture that has bought the lies of the world.
It is noteworthy how TFF is enticing pastors to attend by offering them freebies. TFF makes great use of such bought pastors to spread falsehoods across Virginia. From experience, the only lies that I see in the context of TFF are those being disseminated by TFF itself and other Uber-Christian organizations like it that seek to impose a Christian theocracy in this nation - and undermine the U.S. Constitution that Mr. Forbes has supposedly sworn to uphold.
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