Having followed the professional Christian set for well over a decade, one thing becomes readily discernible - many of its talking heads bounce from one homophobic organization to another, never holding a real job. Instead, they move from state based anti-gay groups to more national level organizations and the lies that they disseminate never change no matter what legitimate medical and mental health experts say about sexual orientation. Some of these professional gay haters are Peter LaBarbera, Robert Knight, Tony Perkins - and NOM's Brian Brown. Jeremy Hooper has a piece at Good As You that documents that Brown has been sucking on the anti-gay money teet for over five years. In fact, five years ago Brown was heading up the Family Institute of Connecticut and peddling Truth Won Out's bogus reparative therapy program - a therapy condemned by the APA. Here are some highlights from Jeremy's comments:
Nowadays, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown is way too politically savvy to encourage gays into scientifically discredited "ex-gay" change. But that wasn't always the case. Back when Brian was heading up the Family Institute of Connecticut and the national interest was much more lacking, a less public version of Brian was all about helping parents "prevent your child from embracing this destructive way of life"
What do we hear from NOM all the time? False victimization. Charges that Brian and crew will be unfairly labeled "bigots." An attempt to flip the script to make the anti-LGBT crowd seem like the sympathetic figures. But here we have it, almost five years ago to the date: Brian ignoring a preponderance of credible science to say that gays can and should pray away the gay.
Brown, like his compatriots of the far right Christianist set, is a con artist and charlatan. Sadly, the main stream media continues to lack the balls - and integrity - to expose these people for frauds and demagogues.
Nowadays, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown is way too politically savvy to encourage gays into scientifically discredited "ex-gay" change. But that wasn't always the case. Back when Brian was heading up the Family Institute of Connecticut and the national interest was much more lacking, a less public version of Brian was all about helping parents "prevent your child from embracing this destructive way of life"
What do we hear from NOM all the time? False victimization. Charges that Brian and crew will be unfairly labeled "bigots." An attempt to flip the script to make the anti-LGBT crowd seem like the sympathetic figures. But here we have it, almost five years ago to the date: Brian ignoring a preponderance of credible science to say that gays can and should pray away the gay.
Brown, like his compatriots of the far right Christianist set, is a con artist and charlatan. Sadly, the main stream media continues to lack the balls - and integrity - to expose these people for frauds and demagogues.
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