Monday, February 22, 2010

My Readers - A Sincere Thank You

From time to time readers overwhelm me with their kindness and thoughtfulness. The Internet has a strange ability to link one to others even though you have never met in person. Numerous times when I have needed a lift out of the blue has come an amazing e-mail message - perhaps from France or Australia - or some other evidence that someone finds meaning and/or comfort in my blogging endeavors Today was such a day when I opened an envelop at the office only to find a sweet card and a gift from Stephen, a reader in San Francisco. Stephen, be assured that I will apply your thoughtful donation to my debt elimination fund vis-a-vis my former wife. Please know that your card and thoughtfulness touched me greatly!!
Blogging can become additive in many ways, but what always means the most is the contact and sense of connection I have with my supportive readers. Thank you one and all.

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