Mr. Sprigg is an ordained Baptist minister. Before coming to FRC, he served as pastor of Clifton Park Center Baptist Church in Clifton Park, N.Y. Mr. Sprigg previously served for ten years as a professional actor and unit leader in Covenant Players, an international Christian drama ministry.
Spriggs doctorate, if you will, is a doctorate in divinity, yet he claims to be an expert on military affairs (like the utterly unhinged Elaine Donnelly) and any number of other subjects. On the Chris Matthew show, Sprigg at least did us all a favor and flatly described the true agenda of FRC and its fellow Christianist merchants of intolerance who despise the U.S. Constitution's promise of freedom of )and from) religion. Box Turtle Bulletin has some highlights from Sprigg's diarrhea of the mouth:
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you Peter, do you think people choose to be gay?
SPRIGG: Uh, people do not choose to have same-sex attractions, but they do choose to have homosexual conduct. And that’s conduct also , which incidentally is against the law within the military. It violates the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It doesn’t make any sense for us to be actively recruiting people who are going to be violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
MATTHEWS: Do you think we should outlaw gay behavior?
SPRIGG: Well, I think certainly it’s defensible.
MATTHEWS: I’m just asking you, should we outlaw gay behavior?
SPRIGG: I think that the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which overturned the sodomy laws in this country, was wrongly decided. I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior.
MATTHEWS: So we should outlaw gay behavior.
Has it ever crossed Spriggs mind as to the damage he and his Christo-fascist allies do to gay youth - and gay adults - with such talk? Most likely not because, in my opinion, they simply do not give a damn. To them, gays are less than human, plain and simple.
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