Sunday, October 26, 2008

What the California Supreme Court Really Ruled

Time and time again I have commented upon the deliberate dishonesty of the Christianists in general and the Yes on 8 crowd in California. One regular reader in California reminded me of something that definitively shows that the claims that civil marriage for same-sex couples will impact religious denominations is a LIE. The California Supreme Court decision of May 15, 2008, specifically states as follows regarding religious denominations:
Affording same-sex couples the opportunity to obtain the designation of marriage will not impinge upon the religious freedom of any religious organization, official, or any other person; no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs. (Cal. Const., art. I & 4.) -- in re MARRIAGE CASES, S147999, page 117"
Clearly, self-styled legal "expert" Matt Staver and those like him who are deliberately using scare tactics to dupe the ignorant and uninformed and are LIARS - not to mention false Christians. But then, what else is new with these folks.
Meanwhile, Christian allies of gay rights continue to begin to speak out more loudly against the anti-gay Christianists. Here are some highlights from the San Jose Mercury News:
The Santa Clara County Council of Churches, on behalf of 23 churches, recently paid $10,500 to run ads in the Mercury News opposing Proposition 8. The council set up a separate committee to place the ad, to not run afoul the IRS.
"One part of Christianity has become very vocal and very talented in using the press," said the Rev. Michael Patrick Ellard, senior minister of the Metropolitan Community Church of San Jose and an organizer of the effort. "What's starting to happen is the other part of Christianity is waking up and saying, 'Wait a minute, you're trying to speak for all of us.' "
Mixon said the state should protect civil rights and civil contracts like marriage, while the church should be blessing and supporting all manner of loving relationships and families. "I just said, 'Where would Jesus be on this?' " Mixon said. "It's pretty clear to me where he'd be. He'd be in support of anybody who was trying to create loving, caring, compassionate relationships."


Anonymous said...

Why don't the No on 8 people simply state what the ruling says? They can show the highlighted text on screen. They could even go so far, if allowed, to have the very judges, explain the impact. It's a sad day when one group can impinge on the rights of another using lies and Jesus to do so.

Anonymous said...

Ultra Dave, your kidding right?

You can't present facts to people who don't want to see or listen for themselves.