Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama

Sarah Palin's more or less home town paper has endorsed Barack Obama for president in its editorial today. Of note is the fact that the paper flat out states that Palin is NOT ready for prime time noting that putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time. If anything, the Anchorgae Daily News was too easy on Palin, but given her history of seeking vengence, the thrust of the editorial is focused on why Obama is the better choice. Here are some highlights:
Gov. Palin's nomination clearly alters the landscape for Alaskans as we survey this race for the presidency -- but it does not overwhelm all other judgment. The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation.
Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain.
Sen. McCain has stumbled and fumbled badly in dealing with the accelerating crisis as it emerged. He declared that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" at 9 a.m. one day and by 11 a.m. was describing an economy in crisis. He is both a longtime advocate of less market regulation and a supporter of the huge taxpayer-funded Wall Street bailout. His behavior in this crisis -- erratic is a kind description -- shows him to be ill-equipped to lead the essential effort of reining in a runaway financial system and setting an anxious nation on course to economic recovery.
Sen. Obama warned regulators and the nation 19 months ago that the subprime lending crisis was a disaster in the making. Sen. McCain backed tighter rules for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but didn't do much to advance that legislation. Of the two candidates, Sen. Obama better understands the mortgage meltdown's root causes and has the judgment and intelligence to shape a solution, as well as the leadership to rally the country behind it.
Sadly, maverick John McCain didn't show up for the campaign. Instead we have candidate McCain, who embraces the extreme Republican orthodoxy he once resisted and cynically asks Americans to buy for another four years. It is Sen. Obama who truly promises fundamental change in Washington.
[F]ew who have worked closely with the governor [Palin] would argue she is truly ready to assume command of the most important, powerful nation on earth. To step in and juggle the demands of an economic meltdown, two deadly wars and a deteriorating climate crisis would stretch the governor beyond her range. Like picking Sen. McCain for president, putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael: I thank you for that insightful and I might add, accurate summation of Sarah Palin's obvious naïveté. She, at least in my view displays an uncanny arrogance to even compare her inexperience with that of which she erroneously alleges of Barack Obama. His demonstrated mental proclivities eclipse those of Governor Palin by stretches too expansive to imagine. Furthermore, John McCain's choice of Governor Palin is an obvious example of poor judgment and has for most with whom I debate cost him severely among those undecided and independent. Romney, although not of my liking would have been a better selection and subsequently would have solidified McCain's judgment as reflective of the real potential that he may never complete his predicted to be a single four year in-office, stint. Being a Democrat, I feel Sarah Palin has been exposed to the worst campaign ethic I’ve witnessed in my almost 66 years. Other campaigns, at their time were repulsive having left me feeling that no future campaign would or could ever match them for distaste, distain, and unfair tactics. I was wrong to ever imagine such limits of corrupt and inhuman campaign practices would ever, in fact, not be surpassed. John McCain, with his Rovistic agenda has indeed set new milestones for campaign dishonor. What troubles me most is that so many so-called republican constituents actually stood and cheered his egregious rhetoric; that “American’s” would actually buy-in to McCain’s desperation. My choice for the Presidency is a man who understands that Sizzle sells and steak soon becomes tough to chew over time. In case you have not noticed, it has been some time since the phrase “flip-flop” has been tossed about. I never bought into that depiction because as times changed over this long and tedious campaign changes of emphasis have vacillated back and forth and circumstances have required the display of prudent adjustments and modifications throughout. While Barack Obama promoted his “Audacity of Hope” sizzle, McCain aimed his, not as big or accurate as he thought guns at Obama’s steak, honor, patriotism, past affiliations, and more. Obama’s modest, but carefully measured retaliations exemplify appropriate measured response inherent of Presidential reaction to the inevitable crisis that present to every president during their terms of office. McCain’s attacks were beyond reasonable and recommended measures which send me a message that as president he will tend to over-react to crisis destined to test his judgment. Many argue that political campaigns are not synonymous with sales and marketing 101 principles. As a sales professional those of my admiration in sales have taught with commitment that it is sizzle that sells the steak; not the steak itself. As a voter among voters who will essentially on November 4th solidify a purchase; the messages for that in the end resonated are those of benefit and solutions. It is not as important to know what make of airplane gets me to Alaska from Florida; it is more important the quality of the trip and the prize upon landing. Barack Obama has wisely and proficiently presented sizzle whereas his opponent presented his steak while attacking Obama’s. In the end, Barack’s steak being of a higher grade, when placed over the coals, “sizzles” a more palatable aroma. Thank you for your support of Barack Obama.