Yahoo News is reporting that on Thursday Uruguay, another predominantly Catholic country, became the first nation in Latin America to marry a gay couple, after a law allowing couples living together to formalize their union went into effect at the start of the year. This places the USA - alleged land of liberty and freedom - falling further behind in the march toward equal treatment of all citizens. From what I have read on Uruguay, it seems to be an up and coming country and the beaches look gorgeous (see photo at left). Hey, I am a surfer, so I cannot help but notice beaches. One can only hope that some day LGBT citizens in the USA will be granted equal rights. Here are some
story highlights:
Judge Estrella Perez officiated the civil union between Adrian Figuera, 38, and actor and theater director Juan Carlos Moretti, 67, in a courtroom before a small group of friends and family, as witnessed by an AFP reporter. Moretti later told AFP that after living together for 14 years, he and Figuera thought their marriage was "a matter of justice and a step forward for Uruguayan society."
The so-called "cohabitation union law" went into effect on January 1, allowing heterosexual and homosexual couples living together for at least five years to receive the same legal rights and benefits that traditional marriage bestows.
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