In my view, a perusal of this site confirms that the GOP views the "values voters" as a bunch of easily duped cretins who can be routinely induced to go to the polls based on a couple of hot button issues - gay bashing being one of the most favored - like lemmings. These "values voters" end up voting for individuals who must be secretly laughing at the whole affair. I am not against religion or people of faith. However, I do have a very hard time with people who are intellectually dishonest and/or lazy and who refuse to think for themselves and not be led by the nose like simpletons.
*In essence, religious fundamentalism is defined in my opinion as religious belief that shields the believer from having to exercise independent thought and/or analyze facts and reach a fact based conclusion. This fear of thinking in turn leads to a slavish idolatry to ritual (e.g., traditional Catholics) and closed mindedness. The end result is that demagogues - think Benedict XVI, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Karl Rove, etc. - play these people like a violin with the sheeple (to use one of Pam Spaulding's terms that I love) being blindly lead by those who use them for control, political power and personal wealth. It is a sad situation brought on by their own "deeply held religious beliefs." The GOP continues to cynically use these folks and they never catch on that they are being used.
You learned how to do the linky thing!!!
I learned how to do some of the HTML tags. We are slow, but we can learn...
I love your blog. Great stuff.
I’ll be placing Michael in Norfolk in my list of Super Cool Blogs on my blog, Basket of Puppies.
I’m not sure if you’ll like my blog too much. I’m not big into Christianity, but since I hate haters and those of less tolerance, I can never bring myself to discount someone just because of their beliefs.
Keep up the good writing,
T. Korioth
Austin, Texas
FYI: I’m the guy that wrote republicanoffenders.com.
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