And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
*Personally, I do not see what the big deal is. Once again, Obama's sin, if any, is that he dared to speak the truth. From all my reading of various Christianist web sites, Obama correctly assessed the situation in a nutshell. The followers of the James Dobsons, Don Wildmons and others of that ilk in this country ARE bitter and they DO cling to their guns and religion in an attempt to live with the often bleak economic and/or emotional realities of their lives. The outgrowth is fear and hatred towards anyone who is different or provides a scapgoat for perceived woes. Thus, gays are blamed for undermining the family, immigrants are blamed for job losses, and those of other religions are depicted as threats to America. Any one or anything that disturbs the fragile mental construct of small town voters in the end must be opposed.
*True to form, Hillary Clinton is jumping on the band wagon to bad mouth Obama. Not that Hillary has a clue of what the financial realities of those Obama described. Between her Senate salary, the millions her Slick Willie gets for speaking engagements, and the other unexplained funds that Bill has been sucking in, Hillary lives in an utterly different planet from these folk. Unfortunately, that will not stop her from saying and doing anything she can think of to try to destroy Obama. I truly dislike Hillary more with every additional insincere and disingenuous thing she does. At least one person is bitter - me. I'm bitter that no one in the main stream media has the guts to slam Hillary for her sleazy tactics.
*Over the last decade or more, one of the biggest problems in this country has been that politicans do not tell the voters the truth, be it about government spending or the bigotry and prejudice that may underlying voter views. Unfortunately, the main stream media is no better when it comes to calling a spade a spade. Because of this, we have ended up with the toxic regime of the Chimperator and the Iraq War disaster. The surest way to continue down this ill-advised path is to elect McCain or Hillary as president. Here are highlights from MSNBC concerning Hillary's scorched earth tactics:
*But the Clinton campaign fueled the controversy in every place and every way it could, hoping charges that Obama is elitist and arrogant will resonate with the swing voters the candidates are vying for not only in Pennsylvania, but in upcoming primaries in Indiana and North Carolina as well.
They handed out "I'm not bitter" stickers in North Carolina, and held a conference call of Pennsylvania mayors to denounce the Illinois senator. In Indiana, Clinton did the work herself, telling plant workers in Indianapolis that Obama's comments were "elitist and out of touch." Clinton attacked Obama's remarks much more harshly Saturday than she had the night before, calling them "demeaning." Her aides feel Obama has given them a big opening, pulling the spotlight away from troublesome stories such as former President Clinton's recent revisiting of his wife's misstatements about an airport landing in Bosnia 10 years ago.
One of Clinton's staunchest supporters, Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., acknowledged there was some truth in Obama's remarks. But he said Republicans would use them against him anyway.
1 comment:
THANK YOU! I have been trying and trying to figure out what was wrong with these statements myself. Like you, the only thing I could come up with was that they were the painful truth that no one wants to acknowledge.
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