Sunday, October 28, 2007

30,000+ Visitors

Wow, more than 30,000 folks from 122 countries have visited this blog. It continues to amaze me that people are interested in my thoughts and life experiences (or is it the male beauty photos?). Once again, anyone - especially fellow bloggers - who would like to be highlighted in a post, please drop me an e-mail and some information about yourself and/or your blog. A number of past readers that I have highlighted have in fact in time become good friends some of whom I often communicate everyday. You all are really a wonderful support group.


Java said...

You have some interesting things to say and your bring to my attention various reports on important current events. The male beauty photos, yeah, they're good too!

Billy said...

If you needed any affirmation (which I'm sure you don't) that would be it...

Keep going!