Saturday, February 05, 2011

NOM and Maggie Gallagher Want Leviticus to Control Civil Laws

For a nation - and each American state as well - that claim to guarantee freedom of religion to all citizens, the increasing brazenness of the Christianists in seeking to basically subvert state and the U. S. Constitution is breath taking. Their agenda has always been to make their religious views binding on all and now NOM isn't even hiding it any more in its latest anti-gay and anti-liberty initiative in Rhode Island. It's all about their rights, their beliefs, and every one else can go f*ck themselves in the view of these anything but godly Christians. Oh, and lest we forget, some like Ms. Maggie (pictured at right) are getting rich off of the non-stop dissemination of hate and bigotry. She truly makes a tawdry whore look virtuous in comparison. Jeremy Hooper at Good As You has exposed some of the religious extremism that is being circulated among the falsely pious. Here are highlights:
WHEREAS, The Bible and Jesus Christ in particular define marriage as a heterosexual union between one man and one woman (Genesis 1:27; 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6); and
WHEREAS, The Bible in both the Old Testament and the New Testament clearly and specifically forbids homosexual conduct – as well as all other forms of sexual misconduct outside the bounds of heterosexual marriage (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:8-11); and
WHEREAS, The passage of laws legalizing homosexual marriage will force the teaching of the validity of this lifestyle in the public schools of our state; and
WHEREAS, The passage of laws legalizing homosexual marriage will place persons of conscience who oppose such unions for moral reasons in jeopardy before the law in their business and legal relationships;
Now therefore, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we urge our General Assembly to defeat H-5012 and S-0029, which broadens the definition of persons eligible to marry to include persons of the same gender.
NOM goes on and makes some disingenuous statements about not supporting hatred - even though everything it does fuels anti-gay hatred and an atmosphere where many gays - young and old - are bullied and discriminated against to the point of taking their own lives. As I've said before, I suspect Ms. Maggie has a reserved seat in Hell.

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