Most Canadian academics and journalists are so in thrall to a perverse system of value relativism that they can no longer tolerate even the expression of public support for the traditional principles of Judeo-Christian morality. And nowhere is this malign censorship more evident than in the mass media.
Take the CBC, for example. In an article published on its website It Gets Better: Trevor Ritchie on coming out (November 1), the author, a third-year student and gay activist at the University of British Columbia, advises "queer teens" that they have little to fear from publicly affirming their homosexuality. Ritchie assures: "Positive portrayals in popular culture, as well as individuals in the community providing positive role models, have made the rest of society understand that we are not that different, save for who [sic] we are attracted to...."
That's typical of the CBC. Day in and day out, our national broadcaster serves up an unrelenting drumbeat of propaganda for homosexual acts, promiscuity, abortion and a range of other perversions. Of late, the corporation has even started slanting its news broadcasts in favour of legalized prostitution.
Kevin G. McDonald, a CBC reader, listener and viewer in Halifax, has taken up this invitation. In response to Ritchie's article, he emailed a comment to the CBC, suggesting that: "Catholic youth struggling with same-sex attraction may want to consider the advice of the Catechism of the Catholic Church."
Yet the corporation has refused to publish his comment. . . . Coming from a public broadcaster that gets more than $1 billion a year in taxpayers' subsidies, such censorship is completely unacceptable. What will the Harper government do about this scandal? Evidently, nothing. In reaction to a query from McDonald, Heritage Minister James Moore, the cabinet member responsible for the CBC, conveyed no response except that he does not get involved in "day-to-day operations at the CBC."
Like it or not, the defenders of the morally bankrupt Catholic Church and its Medieval vintage of sexuality are increasingly on a par with witch doctors, voodoo practitioners and others who reject modern knowledge and modernity in general. Moreover, until such time as they demand that the hierarchy be purged of all who participated in the enabling and of and cover ups for predator priests - and that includes Benedict XVI - they lack any moral authority to lecture anyone.
I got a free subscription to a magazine called Catholic Answer, as well as Our Sunday Visitor ... because they were free and so I could see what the neo-orthodox whackos are really saying. It makes me kind of ill to read such closed-minded and downright harmful teachings purported as eternal truths to God knows how many subscribers.
Something I notice in these publications is how much space is afforded to Question and Answer. It's pretty clear that the readers of these magazines are victims of indoctrination of pro-scrupulosity and anti-critical thinking.
One issue of Catholic Answer includes a question about sterilization (whether or not you can receive the sacrament after "repenting" a permanent sterilization procedure). The priest's answer included, "The root cause of sterilizations is fear of the future and a lack of trust in God" Yes, of course, if we would all just trust God, he will feed our 15 babies for us! It has nothing to do with wanting to behave responsibly in addition to having an intimate relationship with the person you love.
I feel nothing but pity for someone who doesn't think they have the ability or the right to make decisions for themselves, that they have to write in to a magazine to get an answer from someone who hasn't any better critical thinking skills or moral fiber than the rest of us.
“In the 1970s, paedophilia was theorised as something fully in conformity with man and even with children,” the Pope said.
“It was maintained — even within the realm of Catholic theology — that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a ‘better than' and a ‘worse than'. Nothing is good or bad in itself.”
Now who has a "perverse system of value relativism"? Seems to me the folks over at Catholic Insight should shut the hell up. Throwing stones when you live in a glass house isn't the best idea in the world; those ricochets are a real bitch sometimes.
Sadly, you are correct in your assessment - the Church wants ZERO independent, critical thought on the part of its followers. As Bob Felton at Civil Commotion has stated many times, the goal is that parishioners act like dumb farm animals and blindly follow whatever bullshit is spoon fed to them.
Increasingly it seems, the conservative Christian denominations - including the Catholic Church - ought to be honest and state that a lobotomy is a prerequisite for membership.
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