Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Homophobia: It's All About Religious Based Discrimination

Regardless of which way Judge Walker rules in Perry v. Schwarzenegger later today, the National Organization for Marriage's ("NOM") farcical summer tour has helped prove one thing - the only real basis for opposing CIVIL marriage equality for LGBT Americans - not to mention other civil legal rights - stems solely from religious based bigotry and discrimination. Something allegedly illegal in this country. But sadly, this country still affords special rights to the most toxic forms of fundamentalist Christianity, Catholicism and Mormonism. I'm sure this clear cut result is not what the parasites at NOM who enrich themselves denigrating gays (yes, I mean you Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown) wanted to accomplish. Nonetheless, for anyone who has followed the spectacle, this should be the only possible conclusion.

1 comment:

Alexander Raymond said...

I totally agree with you, Michael.
Liberal western societies have bestowed upon "religious" organization tax-free status and other benefits at a time when fundamentalist were an extreme and small niche.
Churches provided much of the social support mechanisms to deal with poverty etc..
However,fundamentalism is now a virus spreading beyond our own societies hiding within the protection of special Charity Status and political correctness.