In its unmitigated rush to embrace all things reactionary, the Roman Catholic Church is now opposing the right of freedom of assembly - at least when it comes to LGBT individuals and locations selected by the Church as off limits to gays. It's part of the Church's effort to block gay pride parades - in this case in Jerusaeum. I suspect the Church would be screaming bloody murder if it were Catholics who had a similar proposal addressed toward them. But then, the Church excels at hypocrisy and the "do as I say, not as I do" model. And like most of the anti-gay Christians, Church leaders want one set of rules for themselves and their sheep like flock and a totally different rule for everyone else. The
Salt Lake Tribune has coverage on this outrageous situation. Here are some highights:
Jerusalem • The Catholic Church’s highest official in the Holy Land has sharply criticized Israeli authorities for permitting a gay pride march through the streets of Jerusalem.
In a statement Friday after the city’s eighth annual Gay Pride Parade, which attracted 3,000 marchers, Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal said the parade, “its organizers and the authorities who allow it, care neither for the feelings of families nor the holiness of this city.” The patriarch said gays can “have their parade wherever they want,” as long as it is not in Jerusalem.
Thankfully, civil authorities ignored the Church's bleating and the parade went on.
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