Tuesday, August 03, 2010

CWFA - "Outlawing Gay Marriage Will Improve the Economy"

Is it my imagination, or are the Christianist whack jobs getting nuttier and nuttier? Today Tamara Scott, a spokeswoman for Concerned Women For America ("CWFA") - or more appropriately Concerned Bitches For American - made the insane claim that outlawing gay marriage would improve the U.S. economy. Yep, you read right. Gays seeking to marry are destroying the economy in Ms. Scott's untethered mind. Of course she has no objective facts or data to support the insane claim - because there is none. Instead, she launches into a rant about "fragmented families" but has nothing whatsoever to tie gay marriage to the demise of heterosexual marriages. Stripped of all the drivel, it is nothing more than an effort to inflict the Christianist "Biblical view" on all. Here are highlights from the Iowa Independent:
There are taxpayer costs associated with the breakdown of the family, so overturning legalized same-sex marriage would go a long way to improve the nation’s sagging economy, according to Tamara Scott, one of several speakers at the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) rally at the state Capitol in Des Moines Sunday afternoon.
Scott, the state director for Concerned Women for America, told the crowd of more than 100 that part of the country’s current economic downturn was to blame on the social costs of the threatened traditional family unit through the legalization of gay marriage.
“It costs you, the taxpayer, as high as $280 billion a year for fragmented families, according to the Family Research Council,” Scott told the crowd, citing a study from the D.C.-based Christian political association from May 2009.
Scott’s statements are contradicted at least in part by a 2008 study by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, which estimated that same-sex weddings and related tourism would bring $160 million to the state of Iowa through 2011, and an extra $5.3 million per year in tax revenue.
The FRC’s studies have also been routinely criticized by media and academia for questionable methodology and politicized conclusions.
When asked about Scott’s assertion that upholding the “traditional family” unit translated to a more stable economy, Culver disagreed.
“Heterosexuals have not done a great job with marriage and the family,” she said, pointing to statistics that half of all marriages fail. “I think a strong middle class makes a strong economy. I think (NOM) is looking for some economic cover, rather than revealing that some in their group are simply anti-gay.”

Note that only 100 people showed up for NOM's circus and that the only data Ms. Scott could cite was trash cooked up by FRC. Once again, CWFA is short on facts and long on lies. Like most professional Christian organizations, CWFA and its members believe themselves to be exempt from the Commandment against lying and bearing false witness.

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