Every once in a while, a judicial decision gets it right in a way that makes it all so obvious. The California ruling on gay marriage is one of those. If only it could settle the politics. But, no, the spiteful right will appeal, and on it goes. As in so many ways now, conservatives don't even know what the REAL conservative position IS. Letting gay couples marry, in fact, ENCOURAGING them to marry, is the authentic conservative position, if conservatives still had the mental wherewithal to think this one through.*
But they don't and won't. They will prefer to go on trying to pretend and legislate and adjudicate gay people away. Oh, how they pine for the days of the closet. Hey, there are walk-in closets now!
But the closed minds and small hearts are going to lose this one. They lost this week when a judge had the good sense to write the obvious. And whatever happens to this case down the road, gay Americans will win their full and equal rights eventually. And the dramatic pace of change in public opinion on this subject means that eventually is a lot sooner than later. This may be my only rant that ends with YAY! --Tom Toles
1 comment:
Good post, and totally agree - isnt marriage a conservative position?
So they dont want us to marry each other, but they want us to marry them?
All civil rights movements end the same way -- after a long struggle, we get there!
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