Having passed the 150,000 visitor mark a short while ago, I am amazed (and thrilled) that people continue to find value/entertainment in what I write. All too often, it's the threatening/insulting messages from Christianists and hate filled homophobes that welcome me upon logging on to the computer in the morning. While such messages can be disconcerting, the fact that they hit a raw nerve with their authors means to me that perhaps I have hit upon the truth in voicing my opinions and views. In Virginia, James Dobson's minions at The Family Foundation even follow the blog and regularly get their panties in a wad.
Candidly, this blog has come to mean a great deal to me and it has allowed me to get to know individuals that I would otherwise never have connected with, both within the blogging community, gay rights organizations, and in the local LGBT community. There have even been days where not wanting to "fail my readers" in terms of surviving has helped hold me back from otherwise dangerous thoughts. Together with the boyfriend, friends and family members, this blog is often a lifeline for me. I want to again say "thank you" to all my loyal readers, including Tim in France.
*While we joke about it, the boyfriend knows that his only real "rival" other than my children is the Internet and this blog. He says at times, he'd expect to find me convulsing on the floor if I was not able to log on for an extended period of time. I am addicted - that much I will confess. And he indulges me in this passion of mine.
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