LISBON — Catholic Portugal, traditionally one of Europe's most socially conservative countries, is expected to approve the legalisation of gay marriage on Friday with a minimum of fuss. With the governing Socialists and other left-wing parties enjoying a strong majority, the new law is likely to sail through the first reading debate and gain final approval before a visit by Pope Benedict XVI, due in Portugal in May.
In contrast to Spain, where the lead-up to the legalisation of gay marriage in 2005 brought hundreds of thousands of demonstrators onto the streets, the bill in Portugal has provoked only muted opposition even from the right. While normally vocal on the role of marriage and the family in society, the Catholic Church has refused to mobilise on a subject which, according to Lisbon's Cardinal Patriarch Jose Policarpo, is "parliament's responsibility".
"I think the Portuguese people have learnt one of the fundamental tenets of democracy: respect for the rights of the individual," Miguel Vale de Almeida, Portugal's first openly-gay lawmaker who was elected in September, told AFP.
Vale de Almeida, who is the Socialists' pointman on the legislation, said there is now a political majority in favour of gay marriage and that it is "too simplistic to link Catholicism and conservatism."
LISBON — Catholic Portugal, traditionally one of Europe's most socially conservative countries, is expected to approve the legalisation of gay marriage on Friday with a minimum of fuss. With the governing Socialists and other left-wing parties enjoying a strong majority, the new law is likely to sail through the first reading debate and gain final approval before a visit by Pope Benedict XVI, due in Portugal in May.
In contrast to Spain, where the lead-up to the legalisation of gay marriage in 2005 brought hundreds of thousands of demonstrators onto the streets, the bill in Portugal has provoked only muted opposition even from the right. While normally vocal on the role of marriage and the family in society, the Catholic Church has refused to mobilise on a subject which, according to Lisbon's Cardinal Patriarch Jose Policarpo, is "parliament's responsibility".
"I think the Portuguese people have learnt one of the fundamental tenets of democracy: respect for the rights of the individual," Miguel Vale de Almeida, Portugal's first openly-gay lawmaker who was elected in September, told AFP.
Vale de Almeida, who is the Socialists' pointman on the legislation, said there is now a political majority in favour of gay marriage and that it is "too simplistic to link Catholicism and conservatism."
Deputies are also expected on Friday to vote two other bills submitted by the Green party, the Left Bloc and others which would grant gay and lesbian couples the right to adopt children. If the gay marriage proposals do pass through parliament, they will the have to go through a parliamentary commission before coming back for the final approval.
According to media reports, both the government and the Catholic Church wants the gay marriage issue to be resolved before the visit of the pope, scheduled for May 11-14.
According to media reports, both the government and the Catholic Church wants the gay marriage issue to be resolved before the visit of the pope, scheduled for May 11-14.
1 comment:
Vamos a ver Michael, te voy a contar un secreto acerca de España y Portugal: En estos dos países la izquierda es mayoritaria y la mayoría de los portugueses y Españoles son de izquierdas:
Elecciones Portugal http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elecciones_legislativas_portuguesas_de_2009
Elecciones España http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_general_election,_2008
Te voy a explicar lo de "cientos de miles de manifestantes", te diré que eso no es verdad, lo que pasa es que la derecha cuando sale a manifestarse en este país infla o manipula las cifras para parecer que son muchos, siempre lo hace y siempre lo ha hecho. Lo que pasa es que la prensa internacional toma nota de los primeros momentos y ya luego se olvida, y ya luego aquí la prensa progresista hace recuentos y sale que en realidad no fueron cientos de miles sino "decenas de miles" (tens of thousands NO hundreds of thousands)
Y España no es un país católico, sacate eso de la Cabeza, aqui la mayoría de la gente nunca va a misa, además que casi todos somos muy anticlericales, sino fuera así, como es posible que el PSOE (partido socialista obrero español) obtenga 11 millones de votos, izquierda unida (izquierda radical) 1 millón, la izquierda radical nacionalista (ERC, BNG, NaBai) casi otro millón también, los partidos de centro otro millón de votos (CIU y PNV) y mientras que la derecha dura del Partido Popular (PP) católica solo 10 millones de votos.
Izquierda= 13 millones de votos
Centro=1 millón
Derecha 10 millones y medio
No se si esta información te será útil o te interese, pero es que allí en Estados Unidos creen que la derecha aquí es muy poderosa y los Españoles muy conservadores, algo totalmente falso.
La gente de 365gay.com, HRC y Joe Solmonose, JoeMyGOd cree que el partido popular (PP o Party People´s) y los curas Españolas son monstruos tan terribles y espantosos como el GOP, cuando es en realidad un partido mediocre que ha perdido las dos últimas elecciones y sus miembros más radicales han abandonado el partido. Sólo han podido gobernar gracias a los votos de los partidos de centro y la abstención de los votantes socialistas.
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