The ignorance and bigotry of some Americans is both shocking and embarrassing, as illustrated by the individuals with the sign in the photo above. Why not place a sign on your forehead that states "I'm an idiot," "I'm a moron," or "I'm a bigot"? Apparently such folks are so stupid and uninformed that the whole Rev. Wright affair and Obama's CHRISTIAN CHURCH membership went over their heads. I guess they would also believe the old Nazi propaganda against Jews and believe the Christianist claims that all gays are child molesters too. These voters also show how demagogues Rush Limbaugh - and now Hillary and Bill Clinton - are able to influence these idiots. These folks should do the nation a favor and STAY HOME on election day. For democracy to work, an educated and informed electorate are essential. These folks are apparently neither by any standard. Here are a couple of e-mails Andrew Sullivan reports having received about Obama:
This guy is a muslim trying to take over religion, rights, gunns, and lastly our country.
Does anyone remember 911. He's cunning and a racists. He is connected with dirty money and bad connections in the rest of the world.
The irony, of course is that it is Bill Clinton that is connected with dirty money and who has bad connections in the rest of the world, not Obama.
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