Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Christianist Lies and Disinformation Campaign Begins

Not surprisingly, the Christianist organizations are hyperventilating and spewing untruths in the wake of the California Supreme Court's ruling striking down that state's bans on gay marriage. Totally missing from the rants are references to the fact that (1) TWICE the California legislature has passed legislation granting gay marriage which was struck down by the Governator pending a ruling by the Supreme Court, and (2) Arnold Schwarzenegger's announcement that he will support the Court's ruling and oppose any attempt to amend the California constitution. The press release of Family Research Council - headed by David Duke/KKK loving Tony Perkins - is illustrative of the untruthful campaign being launched by religious fanatic Christianists (Note: Under the FRC view of constitutional law, the majority can deprive minorities of legal rights whenever their prejudices so incline them - thus, blacks could be disinfranchised if the majority of voters so chose. Welcome to fascist America):
"It's outrageous that the court has overturned not only the historic definition of marriage, but the clear will of the people of California, as expressed in Proposition 22." said FRC President Tony Perkins. "The California Supreme Court assumed the powers of a legislative body by imposing same-sex 'marriage.' However, in 2000, the people of California spoke loudly and clearly on the value of marriage when 61 percent of voters approved Proposition 22."
"The California Supreme Court has taken a jackhammer to the democratic process, and the right of the people to affect change in public policy. Four judges discarded the votes of 4,618,673 Californians who approved the state's 'Defense of Marriage Act.' Voters understand that children should not be deprived of a mother or a father," added Perkins.
This decision put marriage at risk all across the nation and again highlights the need for a Marriage Protection Amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that this divisive campaign for the oxymoron of 'same-sex marriage' will be ended once and for all."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. It's as expected though. We hadn't thought the Christianists would just sleep through this one, had we? The HRC was one of the organizations who filed amicus briefs and they're already digging in the trenches for a long campaign before November.

Am I the only Star Wars fan, or does anyone else hear "Duel of the Fates" with this headline? :P