Hillary won't stop, and the Superdelegates won't lift a finger. The powers that be in Washington have made clear that they're okay with Hillary launching Rovian attacks on Obama for another month or more. Why? Because, you see, Hillary's a frail thing. She really wanted to be president, and in her own mind, it was owed to her, and now she's sad. So let's just let her beat the crap out of our nominee with incredibly sleazy right-wing attacks for a good month, or maybe three, as a kind of electoral therapy.
This election is too important. We have to stop John McCain. We have to restore civil liberties and respect for the rule of law. We have to restore our credibility on the world stage. We have to restore a balance in the Supreme Court. Hillary is jeopardizing all of that.
So, we're going to start a new metric here at AMERICAblog. Every time a Team Clinton player throws the kitchen sink at Obama - i.e., acts like a sleazy member of the vast right-wing conspiracy, rather than acting like a Democrat-first - we're going to award them a "Monica." For each outrage, we'll award between one to five Monicas, depending on the severity of the Clinton sleaze. (And if any of our more creative readers want to help us out, take a really good picture of Monica and turn it into a kind of award, maybe a seal of approval, a face with gold star points around it or something - you get the idea, just make it look fun - then email it to me.)
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