GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- To thunderous applause, former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards endorsed Sen. Barack Obama tonight, calling him a leader who can unite the country, end the Iraq war and restore a sense of fairness to the economy. "The reason I am here tonight," Edwards declared, "is the voters have made their choice and so have I."
In a spirited speech that sounded in parts like a eulogy for Clinton's candidacy, Edwards praised Clinton's tenacity and said she is "made of steel." But he emphasized that the Democrats must get behind Obama. "When this nomination battle is over, and it will be over soon, brothers and sisters," Edwards said, "we must come together as Democrats and in the fall stand up for what matters in America and make America what it needs to be."
Friends said Edwards told Obama of his decision on Tuesday night, as Clinton was thumping Obama by 41 points in the West Virginia primary, propelled by the kind of white working class voters at the heart of Edwards's candidacy. Indeed, he received seven percent of the West Virginia vote. The endorsement came on a day when Obama intensified his efforts to connect with such voters. Edwards was the third of Obama's rivals to endorse him, following Sen. Christopher Dodd (Conn.) and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.
As for Millbank's column, entitled "This Is an Ex-Candidate," while somewhat brutal, highlights the fact that Hillary seems hellbent on refusing to accept the fact that she CANNOT win and in the process make herself into a laugh-stock. The longer she refuses to give up, the more ridiculous she will appear. Here are highlights from Millank's column:
It's Day 7 of the Clinton Campaign Death Watch -- a full week since the official arbiter of the Democratic primary, Tim Russert, declared the campaign over and Barack Obama the nominee. Hillary Clinton's advisers continue to insist that the candidate's prospects are very much alive, but the press isn't buying it. Exhibit A: There are two press buses waiting at the hotel here for Clinton's trip to her victory rally in West Virginia, but the entire press contingent doesn't quite fill one. It isn't until the entourage arrives at Dulles Airport that Clinton aides learn that the second bus is still idling, empty, at the hotel. If there is importance in the results of the primary in West Virginia, the press corps isn't letting on.
*A steep descent brings Clinton's plane to Charleston's hilltop airport. After an appropriate wait, she steps from the plane and pretends to wave to a crowd of supporters; in fact, she is waving to 10 photographers underneath the airplane's wing. She pretends to spot an old friend in the crowd, points and gives another wave; in fact, she is waving at an aide she had been talking with on the plane minutes earlier.
A week ago, Clinton won the Indiana primary by two percentage points -- and the media decreed that she had lost. Now she's trouncing Obama by double digits in West Virginia -- and nobody seems to care. This, no doubt, has something to do with the fact that she is trailing Obama in the popular vote, states won, pledged delegates and, now, superdelegates. Even Clinton loyalist James Carville calls Obama the likely nominee. . . . And the crowd -- now up to 500, all but about 10 of them white -- is rapturous as Clinton rebukes the "pundits and the naysayers."
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