For a change I did nothing much today other than mindless activities - mowed the grass, went to the beach in the Ocean View area of Norfolk (pictured above) since there were no waves for surfing in Virginia Beach, grocery shopping and a review of online news. Tomorrow I am driving to Richmond with my youngest daughter to retrieve the balance of her things from her dorm for summer break (she brought home as much as would fit in her car so hopefully we need pick up only her refrigerator and some boxes). It will give us some time together in the car to talk and just enjoy being with each other.
Yesterday, I spoke with my older daughter and she's awaiting confirmation that she has a full time job in August with the Virginia Beach School system. She has been working as a long term substitute and once the school year is over will once again be the head coach for our former neighborhood pool swim team, one of the largest and best in the summer swim league which includes 24 teams, split into four divisions based on the strength of the teams. Alanton-Baycliff is one of the few teams (perhaps one of two) that has always managed to remain in the top tier division. Last summer she had well over 200 swimmers on her team.
Nothing on the local romantic front. At times I don't think Mr. Right exists - or if he does he's on the other side of the country or world somewhere. Which is the next closest thing to not existing. I know that some readers think I have unrealistic standards, but after a long straight marriage, a failed long distance gay relationship and a failed monogamous gay relationship that ended last summer, I really, really do not want to just settle for someone. Just as I tell my business clients that sometimes no deal is better than a bad deal, no relationship is better than one that is dysfunctional and emotionally draining. Luckily, my roommates provide companionship since I do not like living alone. And if I have admirer(s) out their, show yourself since I am a bit obtuse when it comes to picking up signals that guys are interested in me. :)
Not that you will be too flattered since I always so elusive, but here's a bat dangling over your head. You are terrific! What I wouldn't give to spend some time with you so you could get to know me. You are extremely beautiful inside and out. In a perfect world, we could get to know each other. But, alas, it is not a perfect world and I am somewhat intimidated by such a brilliant, talented and good looking man who can pull it all together as you do.
Now, the bat just tapped you on the head ever so softly and admiringly. Hope you can tell I am close by, but admire from an "e-distance."
I hardly see myself as an intimidating figure. I seek to avoid conflict and try to empathize with others. I most surely do not see myself as having "pulled it all together." I am an ordinary guy trying to make it through life some level of happiness and self-acceptance, albeit it belatedly in respect to the latter.
who, I might add, needs to learn to take a compliment graciously. Truth often catches us off guard. No one truly has it all pulled together, but you do have a lot together. Be nice to my friend Michael. I truly like and admire him. Often times, you are way too hard on him. Now, then, you said to show yourself. This is about as far as I go right now. I realize I am not your type, but still wish that I could sweep you off your feet. In any event, you are my fantasy -- the one whom I can never have. I mean this in a very flattering and complimentary way. You truly are a beautiful man. That's what draws us all to you. Smiles. Happiness and Peace will come to those who seek them. Be a seeker!
I think you have an idealized view of me. I'm not anything special and yes, I am hard on myself at times. Other than my children, I feel I have accomplished very little in life. Candidly, there are days I wonder whether I have the strength to go on - or whether I even want to go on.
I believe you need to be less hard on yourself and avoid making me something that I'm not. I'd hate to disappoint you. :)
I am very realistic -- but prefer my other descriptor: Optimistic. Life is what it is, but more importantly, it is what you make of it. I am so excited for you and the HRBOR organization. What an impressive accomplishment! Just a year ago, it was but a mere fledgling and now, look how far you've come. I know you have faults. We all do. The important thing is not that we have faults, but what we do to overcome them and make life better for ourselves and others around us. I am somewhat hard on myself, but only when I put it in writing. Again, I look at it as being realistic with an optimistic twist. Look around you, Michael. You are surrounded by your own reflection. Are the people you touch each day good people? Fun people? Honest people? Our reflections tell a more accurate story of who we are -- those around us reflect us better than we can see ourselves. I send to you a great big e-hug -- just for being you and responding. ;) !
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