Sunday, April 27, 2008

Support for Gay Marriage - in Norway

Would that folks in the USA were as progressive and open to equality as the people are in Norway. A new poll reported by Aftenposten shows that the new Marriage Law which will give equal rights to gay and heterosexual couples is supported by 58% of the population. While I have never been to Norway, it's a place I hope to see someday - especially the City of Hamar (in photo above). Here are some story highlights:
The new poll carried out by Norstat for the newspaper Vårt Land found that 58 percent of those surveyed said they supported the new Marriage Act, and 31 percent were against it. The remainder either were uncertain or had no opinion.
Left-wing voters of the Socialist Left (SV) and Red parties were particularly supportive, with over 90 percent saying they favored the new Act, which gives equal rights to gay and heterosexual married couples. The Act gets solid majority backing from Labour and Liberal Party voters as well, just over 50 percent support from Conservative Party voters, and 50 percent of populist Progress Party voters say no. Christian Democrat Party voters stand out with about 90 percent opposition to the new law proposal.

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