Thank you to those of you who called or sent messages inquiring about my safety after hearing of the
tornado strike in Suffolk, Virginia, which is located about 25 miles to the west of downtown Norfolk and is considered a part of the metropolitan area. I am fine and Norfolk saw little damage and only experienced heavy rains. Suffolk was not so lucky - as the photo above indicates - and at the moment we are waiting to hear whether a home we did a closing on yesterday afternoon suffered damage or not. Unofficial reports are that the house was not damaged.
UPDATE: 145 homes in Suffolk have been condemned and many others have damage. This truly is not a normal event in this area.
Well, I would have sent you a note to inquire as well, but as you know I'm not too far away. However, it doesn't mean I am disinterested in your well being. I was working with a number of people visiting who were quite concerned about the potential impact on them here in Norfolk. Smiles and Thankfulness that we are all fine for the most part.
Glad you're ok. And then the Chimperator in 'that' video clip says that 'global warmings' is not a fact...
Holy hell. I'm glad you are OK.
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