Thursday, June 14, 2007

How The Nazis [Bush] Defended "Enhanced Interrogation"

Andrew Sullivan again has a post that shows how morally bankrupt Chimperator Bush has made the USA and that interrogations standards are as low or lower than those used by Nazi Party(

Hint: the ticking time-bomb exception, and the need for better intelligence about an insurgency - the same defense as the GOP establishment has used for exactly the same techniques - hypothermia, stress positions, sensory deprivation, etc. - in the US and Iraq. The terms and specific methods used are the same for the Gestapo's "Verschaerfte Vernehmung," "Third Degree," and Bush's "enhanced interrogation." Of course, we also learn from the documents that the GESTAPO in general believed that other methods of interrogation, such as playing off political factions against each other, were much more effective than third degree methods.

I continue to believe that history will view George W. Bush as the worse President in the nation's history. It will take the USA years to recovery any moral standing in the international community.

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