Saturday, June 16, 2007

Coming Loss in Iraq Will Long Plague Us

Here's a great Op-Ed in the Minneapolis Star Tribune authored by Christopher J. Fettweis, an assistant professor of national-security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College. ( I agree with his analysis, especially this potion of the column:

The American people seem to understand, however -- and historians will certainly agree -- that the war itself was a catastrophic mistake. It was a faulty grand strategy, not poor implementation. The Bush administration was operating under an illusion, one that is further discredited with every car bombing of a crowded Baghdad marketplace and every Iraqi doctor who packs up his family and flees his country.

I also share Andrew Sullivan's concerns about the future if the Iraq debacle leads to defeat and ultimately another attack in the USA:
I can indeed see a scenario in which a classic fascist-style appeal to wounded nationalism - combined with a call to suspend constitutional protections in favor of a presidential protectorate and a Weimar-style "stab-in-the-back" smear against the MSM - will become the mantra of the Southern-dominated GOP in the next election. If you can't see it coming, you don't know who they are.

In my opinion, Chimperator Bush and his administration have alreadty started the country down the path to fascism under the guise of the Patriot Act, approving torture, etc. Should some future major attack occur in the USA, I pray the American public will be smarter than the citizens of Germany were in the early 1930's. Sadly, I am not optimistic. The Christianist already want a fascist state with them in charge.


Anonymous said...


If the lunatic fringe is looking to set up a theocracy, I hear there are openings in Afghanistan. Put the lot on a plane and ship 'em overseas.

Anonymous said...


I agree. It's funny how they condemn the Islamic fundamentalist/fascist, yet in most ways they act just like them.
