Sunday, July 06, 2014

Study: Kids Raised By Same-Sex Couples Are ‘Healthier And Happier’

At every NOM protest and in every trial where animus based state gay marriage bans are being challenged we hear the disingenuous bleating of the professional Christians and the sheeple duped into following them that children "need a mother and father."  The refrain is not only a flipping of the proverbial middle finger at children being raised by same sex couples but also to children being raised by hard working, dedicated single parents.  More importantly, these defenders of the "sanctity of marriage" don't really give a damn about children in the first place.  Rather, it is all about punishing those who do not subscribe to their hate and fear based mythical religious beliefs.  And no one challenges their house of cards belief system more than us gays.  Now, the results of a major study have been released that blow apart the dishonest refrain of the "godly folk."  The study found that children being raised by same-sex couples are "healthier and happier" than those raised in the family model preferred by the Christofascists.  Think Progress reports on the study findings:
It’s the rallying cry for opponents of same-sex marriage: “Every child deserves a mom or a dad.” But a major new study finds that kids raised by same-sex couples actually do a bit better “than the general population on measures of general health and family cohesion.” 

The study, conducted in Australia by University of Melbourne researchers “surveyed 315 same-sex parents and 500 children.” The children in the study scored about six percent higher than Australian kids in the general population. The advantages held up “when controlling for a number sociodemographic factors such as parent education and household income.” The study was the largest of its kind in the world.

The lead researcher, Dr. Simon Crouch, noted that in same-sex couples parents have to “take on roles that are suited to their skill sets rather than falling into those gender stereotypes.” According to Crouch, this leads to a “more harmonious family unit and therefore feeding on to better health and well being.”

The findings were in line with “existing international research undertaken with smaller sample sizes.”

In the United States, opponents of same-sex marriage routinely claim that children raised by same-sex couple fare worse. The most commonly cited study, conducted by sociologist Mark Regnerus, did not actually study children raised by same-sex couples. Indeed, “most of the subjects in the study grew up in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, long before marriage equality was available or adoption rights were codified in many states”. Instead, Regnerus studied children raised in “failed heterosexual unions” where one parent had a “romantic relationship with someone of the same sex.” It has been condemned by the American Sociological Association. Other frequently cited studies have similar methodological problems. 

Sadly, the godly folk lie more than anyone else and seemingly subscribe to the theory advanced by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels - if you tell a lie often enough, people may begin to believe it.  Thankfully, with more and more gays living openly and authentically and raising healthy, normal, well adjusted children, the Christofascists are being exposed for what they are: hate-filled, self-centered, psychologically warped liars.

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