Monday, July 07, 2014

Quote of the Day: Why Millennials Are Abandoning Institutional Christianity

This blog has noted numerous times the phenomenon of members of the Millennial generation leaving organized religion in droves.  I personally credit - as surveys have confirmed - the foulness of today's "godly Christian" crowd with making the case that decent people should not want to be in anyway identified as "Christian."  But there is a larger phenomenon that Andrew Sullivan describes well: Christianity's increasing reject of the truth as revealed by science and modern knowledge as it desperately tries to prop up its antiquated myth based dogma.  Here is the money quote:
I’d go further and argue that it is precisely because of a concern with the truth that so many [Millennials] have abandoned institutional religion. When a church teaches scripture in a way that simply ignores the huge amount of historical evidence about the sources of those scriptures, it is not interested in truth, but in its authority. When a church advances a version of “natural law” that is based in the science of the 13th Century, rather than of the 21st, it is showing contempt for the kind of truth-seeking Aquinas was engaged in, not respect. When it maintains utterly specious distinctions between men and women in which women are always somehow second-class, truth-seekers will go elsewhere. When its understanding of sexuality is concocted by failed celibates with profound sexual dysfunction and with histories of sexual crime and abuse, who can blame truth-seekers for looking elsewhere? It seems to me that it is because the churches have shown such profound contempt for truth that they appear crippled by modernity, and therefore have less appeal and traction. And their suppression of debate about these areas is ipso facto a flight from truth.
While some denominations are striving to modernize - the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America  is one such example, although every month in The Lutheran, knuckle dragging Neanderthal elements bemoan the effort, especially the acceptance of gays - they have one insurmountable obstacle: a storyline based on Genesis and the claim that Adam and Eve were historic individuals when they were not.  The whole house of cards thus begins to collapse.  Education and knowledge have become the principal enemies of fundamentalist religion around the globe.  It's little wonder that Christianity's main growth currently is in the ignorant and backward regions of the globe. 

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