Needless to say, no one at National Review shares Derb’s appalling view of what parents supposedly should tell their kids about blacks in this instantly notorious piece here.
I have often felt that today's Republican Party is increasingly racist and that often one sees GOP candidates using coded messages to win the votes of racists. Some of Newt Gingrich's batshitery is a prime example. Now, in a wildly racist screed, John Derbyshire (pictured at left) of the National Review has thrown this often denied racism out in the bright light of day. It's beyond shocking, but I suspect his views are held by many in the GOP base who hold contempt - or worse - for all but those who are white, heterosexual conservative Christians. Think Progress looks at this wildly racist rant. Here are highlights:
Popular conservative columnist and National Review writer John Derbyshire topped all of his previous racistscreeds (and sexist rants) today by posting a long breakdown of all of the important lessons he has taught his children about race — and he’s outdone his own racism with this one.
Derbyshire wrote the column in the third person, as a list of lessons to his kids about race. . . . he cuts to the heart of his lessons for his children:
(10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.
(10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.
(10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot).
(10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.
(10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.
(10f) Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians.
(10g) Before voting for a black politician, scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white.
(10h) Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.
(10i) If accosted by a strange black in the street, smile and say something polite but keep moving.
(11) The mean intelligence of blacks is much lower than for whites. The least intelligent ten percent of whites have IQs below 81; forty percent of blacks have IQs that low. Only one black in six is more intelligent than the average white; five whites out of six are more intelligent than the average black. These differences show in every test of general cognitive ability that anyone, of any race or nationality, has yet been able to devise. They are reflected in countless everyday situations. “Life is an IQ test.”
We need to thank Derbyshire for being honest enough to openly state what so many of his conservative cohorts are thinking.
Just to be clear Michael, are we talking about the GOP using the same cynically racial tactics the Democrat Party and its minions in the press use with racial minorities to get them to believing that mainstream Democrats really care about them and not just their votes?
Frankly, I have always considered you to be partisan but fair. You left out the fair part of your persona in this post when you did not mention to your readers that Derbyshire's so called rant was actually a facetious and satyrical April 6th response to the outrageous article by Toure' in Time Magazine's April 2nd issue which hit the news stands in the last week of March.
The Time piece is a full page and I'll probably have to divide this comment into two pieces due to Bloggers stupid limit on the length of comments, but I hope in fairness you'll approve the lengthy comment so you're readers can see the rest of the story and make up their own minds from an informed position.
Toure's article is just as outrageous as Derbysire's and Toure' was NOT being facetious at all. The bold italic highlight in his article is mine, but in reality the whole article should be highlighted as a fear mongering rant which more than likely most middle class blacks don't even agree represents the real America today or the racial attitudes of her citizens.
Commentary by Toure':
How to Stay Alive While Being Black
In the wake of the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, some advice for young black boys
MANY BLACK FAMILIES HAVE BEEN forced into uncomfortable but necessary conversations since the Feb. 26 killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. His death and the release of the uncharged shooter, George Zimmerman, have reminded many of how vulnerable we still are. The icy cold wind of racism has crept into our homes and made the hairs on the backs of our necks stand up. Blood memories of strange fruit have been stirred. Young black boys have been reminded that they are walking targets for hate. What do you say to them about what happened to Trayvon? Here's a start:
1. It's unlikely but possible that you could get killed today. Or any day. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. Black maleness is a potentially fatal condition. I tell you that not to scare you but because knowing that could save your life. There are people who will look at you and see a villain or a criminal or something fearsome. It's possible they may act on their prejudice and insecurity. Being black could turn an ordinary situation into a life-or-death moment even if you're doing nothing wrong.
End of Part One, See Part Two following:
Toure'/Derbyshire Comment Part Two:
3. There is nothing wrong with you. You're amazing. I love you. When I look at you, I see a complex human being with awesome potential, but some others will look at you and see a thug-even if their only evidence is your skin. Their racism relates to larger anxieties and problems in America that you didn't create. When someone is racist toward you-either because they've profiled you or spit some slur or whatever-they are saying they have a problem. They are not speaking about you. They're speaking about themselves and their deficiencies.
4. You will have to make allowances for other people's racism. That's part of the burden of being black. We can be defiant and dead or smart and alive. I'm not saying you can't wear what you want, but your clothes are a red herring. They'll blame it on your hoodie or your jeans when the real reason they decided you were a criminal is that you're black. Of course, you know better. Racism is about reminding you that you are less human, less valuable, less worthy, less beautiful, less intelligent. It's about prejudging you as violent, fearsome, a threat. Some people will take that prejudice and try to force their will on you to make sure you feel like a second-class citizen and to make certain you get back to the lower-class place they think you're trying to escape. The best way to counter them involves not your fists but your mind. You know your value to the world and how terrific you are. If you never forget that, they can't damage your spirit. The best revenge is surviving and living well.
5. Be aware of your surroundings. Especially when it's dark. Or bright. Some people are on the lookout for muggers or rapists. You need to be on the lookout for pro filers who are judging you. Don't give them an opportunity to make a mistake.
6. If you feel you are being profiled and followed or, worse, chased by someone with a vigilante streak-if you are hunted in the way it seems Trayvon was, by someone bigger than you who may be armed and hopped up on stereotypes about you then you need to act. By calling the police. That is the exact time to snitch. I know there are times the cops will be your enemies, but sometimes calling 9Il and letting the threatening person know that you're doing so could save your life.
7. What if it's the cops who are making you feel threatened? Well, then you need to retreat. I don't mean run away. I mean don't resist. Now is not the time to fight the power. Make sure they can see your hands, follow all instructions, don't say anything, keep your cool. Your goal is to defuse things, no matter how insulted you are. We'll get revenge later. In the moment, play possum. Say sir. They may be behaving unjustly, but their lives aren't in danger. Yours is. If you survive, you will be able to tell your lawyer what happened. If you don't ...
8. Never forget: As far as we can tell, Trayvon did nothing wrong and still lost his life. You could be a Trayvon. Any of us could .•
Toure’ is a columnist for TIME Ideas and the author of Who's Afraid of Post-Blackness?, a New York Times notable book for 2011
TIME April 2, 2012
Come on now...conservatives never race-bait! It's just liberals (yes, that's sarcasm)
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