Now, at Christwire, Gallagher has a piece in which she admits full responsibility for the National Organization for Marriages horrible race baiting strategy, NOM's anti-Hispanic strategy and other anti-gay measures that in my opinion confirm that the woman is a true merchant of hate in need of serious mental health intervention. Gallagher may like to see herself as an Uber-Christian and/or Uber-Catholic, but in truth, she is an indictment of everything that she claims to stand for. Her "the ends justify the means" mindset underscores that she is a hypocrite of the first rank and a stellar example of why one might want to run screaming away from Christianity. Indeed, to call her a modern day Pharisee is too kind.
The irony, of course is that while she attacks Julian Bond and others, they - unlike Gallagher - haven't wrapped themselves in religion and religiosity and worn their professed Christianity literally daily on their sleeves. Under Gallagher's argument - if one can give it that much legitimacy - the actions of white supremacist groups are arguably completely justified. Besides being a self-enriching political whore, the woman is just plain evil. Here are some excerpts from her attempt to justify foul and despicable conduct in her simpering admission that her stock in trade is hate and breeding racial strife:
Since last week’s charges of “race-baiting” against the National Organization for Marriage, I have had some time to reflect on the political climate in America today. My responses in the National Review and on MSNBC were not enough to quell the uproar from those who seek to redefine one of the greatest foundational blocks of human civilization. They have called NOM and its supporters cynical, bigoted, divisive and arrogant. They have leveled personal attacks against Executive Director Brian Brown and many of his colleagues. Here’s the bottom line: I am the author of the 2008-2009 Board Update and I take full responsibility for the language and the ideology represented in that document.
I find it rather naïve and maybe even a bit laughable for political leaders such as Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus of the NAACP, and Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles, to feign outrage at NOM for looking at the ethnic backgrounds of its supporters.
The supposed shock expressed by the liberal media is equally disingenuous. Let’s be honest here: this is how politics works in America today and everyone knows it. It’s a dirty, vicious game and it involves millions upon millions of dollars. If you want to play to win, you can’t do it without knocking a few heads. What is especially hypocritical about this media manufactured outrage is that they’re using the notion of “race baiting” itself to sell newspapers.
NOM can only survive with the generous financial support of its donors. We need to sell the idea of the homosexual threat in the most egregious way possible to motivate people to give. If you do not fear the imminent gay disaster we’re predicting, you won’t buy the political insurance NOM is selling.
For me, the most impressive thing about the strategy that I envisioned several years ago is that it has been so successful. NOM has achieved a great deal with the help of our African-American allies.
The power of the almighty dollar is one of our greatest tools for securing the support of minority leaders. This understanding is crucial in today’s fast-paced and often unpredictable political scene. When something is bought and paid for, you own it.
In my view, Gallagher is the antithesis of a true Christian and any news media who allows her to provide "commentary" might just as well start inviting the KKK and Neo-Nazi leaders to come on their programing. She obviously thinks that blacks should continue to be the house slaves and water carriers for vicious white women like herself. Oh, and did I mention that her cynicism sounds like something that Goebbels and the Nazis might have said to justify anti-Jewish extremism? One can only hope that a large number of black pastors will get their noses out of Gallagher's ample ass and wake up to the reality of who they are being played for utter fools and suckers. As I've nored before, if there is a God, I suspect he/she/it has a special place in Hell for Gallagher.
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