Friday, March 16, 2012

Self-Flattering Rick Santorun in Puerto Rico

WARNING: The image below is rather graphic and disgusting.

One thing that often strikes me as bizarre is the fact that some of the most outspoken anti-gay homophobes act as if gays are hot to come on to them. The real world reality is, of course, far different: few, if any, self-respecting gays with even a tiny modicum of aesthetic taste would find these hate merchants physically attractive.

Based on a photo that Joe Jervis credits to gay tourists in Puerto Rico, we can add Rick Santorum to the list of gay bashers who suffer from delusion and flatter themselves if they believe any gay male would find them attractive. What I find even more ironic is that while campaigning, rather than losing weight, Santorum seems to be ballooning. Have you barf bag handy:

Santorum's wife has my sympathy. Based on this photo, it's a wonder she hasn't been crushed to death while conceiving all of those children.

P.S. Santorum has admitted the photo is real.

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