Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quote of the Day - Andrew Sullivan on DOMA Repeal

Once again, Andrew Sullivan aptly describes what is becoming of the Republican Party:

Obama is backing repeal of DOMA section 3 and section 2. . . . Andrew Cohen gives credit to a federal judge who ruled DOMA unconstitutional last July. Of course, the unraveling of this law . . . . has to be balanced by the GOP's increased, manic intransigence on the question. Almost every current Republican candidate is required to shudder at the very thought of gay people. The current GOP front-runner, Michele Bachmann, has views on gays that were only widely held in the 1950s and 1960s and were dropped by responsible and sane psychologists in the early 1970s. Her husband does incalculable damage to the souls and psyches of those he simultaneously calls "barbarians" - and charges for it. As the general public coalesces around a new consensus, the GOP has taken a stand far, far to the right of Ronald Reagan's in the 1970s. More to the point, their anti-gay extremism is intensifying. But this is the result of a political party becoming a religious one. The world changes but doctrine cannot.

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