Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ignorant by Choice: Albert Mohler's Defense of Reparative Therapy

If one wants a glimpse into the mindset of closeted Christianists who rail against homosexuality even as they lust for same sex encounters in their hearts and loath themselves as a consequence, Albert Mohler - a stalwart of the Southern Baptists Convention - demonstrates how one achieves this type of self-delusion. Key to the process is the jettisoning of all modern knowledge, a fierce willingness to cling to ignorance and bigotry, and the embracing the writings of uneducated and ignorant nomads of 2000+ years ago. The end product is a reliance on a flawed, house of cards faith construct that is incapable of objective support. Anything that threatens this fragile alternate world view is to be denied and condemned. For folks like Mohler and Marcus Bachmann this chosen ignorance and mindlessness makes them feel better about themselves. Not to mention that it provides a lucrative snake oil that they can use to dupe the religiously brainwashed and intellectually lazy.
In a post on his blog, Mohler attacks basically scientific knowledge and glorifies wrongheaded thinking to defend reparative therapy. Despite its lack of supporting data or even many "cured" individuals outside the "ex-gay for pay" ranks, he apparently believes a lie becomes magically correct simply if the untruths have been repeated often enough. As for his claimed support for his bigotry in the Bible, as we've seen before in posts on this blog, other than a few selective passages, the Bible does not say what Mohler claims it says either about homosexuality or marriage as between one man and one woman. Indeed, Mohler is nothing more than a modern day Pharisee - and we know what Christ thought of the Pharisees. Here are highlights from Mohler's disingenuous batshitery:
Virtually all of the secular professions that deal with sexual orientation are stalwartly opposed to reparative therapy, or to any attempt to change one’s pattern of sexual attraction. Indeed, these groups hold to an inflexible ideology that insists that there is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. These groups include, for example, the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of Social Workers, among many others.
This controversy will inevitably demonstrate the basic worldview divide the separates the secular therapeutic community and evangelical Christians. The politicians, the mental health industry, and the media will have their own debate on the matter, but Christians now face the urgent challenge of thinking about these issues in a way that is fully biblical and theological — and thus faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
First, we face the fact that the Bible clearly, repeatedly, consistently, and comprehensively reveals the sinfulness of all homosexual behaviors. This truth is set within the larger context of the Bible’s revelation concerning the Creator’s plan and purpose for human sexuality... The normalization of homosexuality simply cannot be accepted by anyone committed to biblical Christianity. The new secular orthodoxy demands that Christians abandon the clear teachings of Scripture, and Christians must understand that the sinfulness of all homosexual behaviors is not only a matter of biblical authority, but of the Gospel.
Second, we must recognize that every human being is a sinner, and that every sinner’s pattern of sexual attraction falls short of the glory of God. . . . . The New Testament reveals that a homosexual sexual orientation, whatever its shape or causation, is essentially wrong, contrary to the Creator’s purpose, and deeply sinful.
[T]he Christian cannot accept any argument that denies what the Bible reveals about the sanctification of believers — including the sanctification of our sexuality. . . . . Christians cannot avoid the debate over reparative therapy, nor can we enter the debate on secular terms.
We know that something as deeply entrenched as a pattern of sexual attraction is not easily changed, but we know that with Christ all things are possible.
In sum, Mohler's argument is that if facts and science demonstrate the fallibility of the Bible, the believer is supposed to stick his/her head and in the sand and pretend that reality doesn't exist. Better to be an ignorant, closed minded bigot than have to exercise the tiniest element of independent thought and discernment. Mohler may believe that he's protecting/defending Christianity but in truth he and those like him are hastening it to extinction.

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