Saturday, June 26, 2010

CNN's "Gay in America" Cause Wingnuts to Flip Out

Regardless of whether one approves of the way in which CNN is proceeding with it's "Gay in America" story line, the positive is that it is placing gays in the limelight in a way that seeks to show that we are human like everyone else be we black or white. This, of course, flies directly in the face of what the homo-hating professional Christian set seeks to accomplish, namely depicting gays as perverts, would be predators of children, and sub-human in general and, therefore, worthy of discriminatory treatment. All because we refuse to live our lives according to the toxic Christianist version of Christianity. One such professional leech, I mean Christian, is Tony Perkins from the always dishonest Family Research Council (which was co-founded by George "rentboy" Rekers. Perkins, who has cuddled up to the Klan in the past and who in my view is totally incapable of telling the truth not to mention a likely closet case, has a rant on FRC's website that is all to typical of the dehumanization efforts of FRC and similar false Christian organizations. Here's some of Perkins' drivel:
CNN gave homosexual activists the gift of a free hour-long infomercial last night--in the form of a primetime special about homosexual parents called "Gary and Tony Have a Baby." Actually, it should have been called "Gary and Tony Buy a Baby." As viewers learned, the two homosexual men first purchase human eggs from an egg donor; use the sperm of one of them for in vitro fertilization; and finally rent the womb of a surrogate to bear the baby. The total cost runs a cool $160,000. The closest that host Soledad O'Brien came to raising an ethical question was to ask why the couple didn't adopt instead.
It was obvious throughout the that these men are political activists for the homosexual cause (even using the newborn as a prop at a same-sex "marriage" rally). Meanwhile, the only reference to people who oppose same-sex "marriage" . . . , was to express fear that one of them would physically harm the baby.
CNN seems content to tug at the heartstrings rather than report the news. They imply that the "love" or affection that these men feel for each other and for the baby that they've manufactured is enough.
Given the huge number of dysfunctional heterosexual households where children are sometimes not even wanted, one would think that Perkins would not act as if married heterosexual parents wasn't the be and end all. But not Tony! He can rant and malign others as much as he wants and act as a modern day Pharisee, but I suspect that if there is a God, then it's Tony's and not gay parents that has a reserved seat n Hell.

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