One thing that is interesting is the diverse crowd staying at the guesthouse where we are staying. There are literally guys from all over the USA and a couple from the UK as well, so it's an opportunity to chat and get a perspective on what gay life is like in other areas. It's a very laid back atmosphere unlike the bathhouse like atmosphere at a place called the Island House. In talking, it quickly becomes obvious that coming from Virginia, we hail from one of the most gay hostile states. While Florida is not exactly a gay affirming state either, Key West is in many ways a world unto itself where the daily newspaper runs stories about LGBT organizations and the historic restoration projects of gay couples are written up approvingly. It offers a window on what America should be like in terms of its treatment of LGBT citizens.
I mentioned that we did a historic homes tour Friday evening that is orchestrated by the Old Island Restoration Foundation which puts together tours a number of times a year. It is well worth the cost of a ticket and the homes demonstrate how main stream the local LGBT community is in Key West. Perhaps the most magnificent house on the tour was one restored by a gay couple that is now worth $4.8 million. The couple in addition to their professional jobs restore and flip historic properties. Another home had been built in the 1950's by the owner of a concrete factory that made use of amazing terrazzo throughout the house. All of the homes include gardens that serve as an extension of the living area of the homes with lush vegetation and a sense of privacy.
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