Sunday, January 17, 2010

“Kill-The-Gays” Bill Author Coming to National Prayer Breakfast

I am continuing to read Jeff Sharlet's book, "The Family," and it continues to be a frightening read as it traces the rise of The Family from the 1930's through today. Its member/adherents have a contempt for democracy and have disgustingly narcissistic views of their own worthiness even as they pretend to be humble servants doing God's work. It's not God's agenda but their own agenda of wealth, power and self-congratulatory self-righteous that they pursue. Indeed, the organization sounds like something Dan Brown might have created for one of his suspense thrillers. Unfortunately, it's not fictional and too many politicians knuckle under and attend its main propaganda event, the National Prayer Breakfast held on the first Thursday in February, typically at the Washington Hilton on Connecticut Avenue N.W. As Jim Burroway of Box Turtle Bulletin is reporting, The Family has invited Uganda MP, David Bahati, the sponsor of the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Bill, to attend this years coven of theocrats. If true, President Obama needs to seriously rethink attending the function. The Family and its followers seek to subvert the Constitution, wipe out freedom of religion, and impose a quasi-theocracy. Why on earth would any President sworn to protect and uphold the U. S. Constitution attend such an event? Now that more is known about The Family, no sitting President should ever again attend the National Prayer Breakfast.
In February, David Bahati, the mover of the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill is expected to attend a prayer breakfast in the American capital of DC. Mr Bahati, according to reports, may speak at the event where President Barack Obama – a gays-tolerant liberal president, is also expected to attend. On Friday, Mr Bahati said he would attend. The event is organised by The Fellowship- a conservative Christian organisation, which has deep political connections and counts several high-ranking conservative politicians in its membership. “I intend to attend the prayer breakfast,” said Mr Bahati – himself a part organiser of the Ugandan equivalent of the national prayer breakfast.
I find it absolutely incredible that secretive Family would risk this kind of attention at their premiere event. Did the Family actually extend an invitation to Bahati, as he has told The Monitor? If they did, will they honor that invitation or will they publicly repudiate their connections with Bahati and Buturo as had been suggested? Also, every U.S. President since Eisenhower has attended and spoken at the breakfast. Will President Obama agree to share the same room with these two would-be murderers? I think it’s a good time to convene a special session of the rainbow welcoming committee.
In my view, if these members of Uganda's Parliament attend, Obama MUST decline to attend. If he does not back out and in fact attends this coven of theocrats, I think LGBT Americans can safely assume Obama is not an ally. Indeed, he never was. He just wanted out money and our votes.

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