Virginia's Attorney General hopeful Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican facing off against Steve Shannon, is the type of social conservative you people love! He wants to give legal rights to fetuses at conception and favors restrictions that would all but shutter many abortion clinics. Oh, and he doesn't want any of you homos pleasuring yourselves.
It's not that gay people are abhorrent, says Cuccinelli. Just their sex lives: "My view is that homosexual acts, not homosexuality, but homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that. . .
It's not that gay people are abhorrent, says Cuccinelli. Just their sex lives: "My view is that homosexual acts, not homosexuality, but homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that. . .
His comments, sadly, are typical. But we're sort of loving what's happened since those remarks went public: A newspaper of record has gone, uh, on the record identifying Cuccinelli's statements sans bullshit, cherry coating, and fluff as this: bigotry.
Kudos to the Washington Post, for this: "Putting aside what Mr. Cuccinelli has to say about homosexuals when he's not trying so hard to be polite, let's call his comments what they are: bigotry. Bigotry is as pernicious today, applied to homosexuals, as it was a century ago or less, when immigrants and minorities were its main victims. And it is just as familiar. Appeals to 'natural law' and 'intrinsic' rights and wrongs were the usual cliches deployed to justify the old-time religion of hatred then directed at African Americans, Jews, Italians, Irish and other immigrants."
Kudos to the Washington Post, for this: "Putting aside what Mr. Cuccinelli has to say about homosexuals when he's not trying so hard to be polite, let's call his comments what they are: bigotry. Bigotry is as pernicious today, applied to homosexuals, as it was a century ago or less, when immigrants and minorities were its main victims. And it is just as familiar. Appeals to 'natural law' and 'intrinsic' rights and wrongs were the usual cliches deployed to justify the old-time religion of hatred then directed at African Americans, Jews, Italians, Irish and other immigrants."
We want more of this. More branding of such rhetoric not as "religious beliefs" or "conservative values," but as "hate speech" and "bigotry." We're no longer talking about "opposing viewpoints"; this is a matter of right and wrong.
1 comment:
Que hijo de puta este KKKuKKKinelli!!!
Este mundo está lleno de criaturas miserables como este, entonces no vale la pena que los gays nos martiricemos tanto!!!, ni siquiera vale la pena pensar en quitarse la vida, para qué? para que cabrones como estos sean más felices con su odio anti-gay?. Los fanáticos intolerantes como Él lo que quieren es que los gays estemos condenados al más oscuro ostracismo, que no nos podamos casar, ni besar y abrazarnos en público demostrandole afecto y cariño a nuestras perejas. Estos neo-talibans lo que buscan es mundo heterosexual totalitario en donde no existan gays, lesbianas, transexuales.
Y me da asco lo poco crítica y combativa que es la prensa America, ya luego uno no se extraña de que el Americano promedio esté tan mal informado.
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