Various arms of the AFA such as OneMillionYouth.com and the AgapePress have been promoting a new bible distributed by Tim Todd Ministries containing comic book style inserts on various cultural issues. Comics can be viewed at the Truth For Youth website including one on safer sex which is factually incorrect.
There is a six-page full-color comic dedicated to homosexuality. What makes this comic interesting — apart from its presentation of imaginary violent gay activists and gay-bashers as “absolute truth” — is the way it is neatly wrapped up by the testimony of a fictitious ex-gay character, who says he left homosexuality 30 years ago. The comic concludes with an encouragement to teens needing “freedom from homosexuality” to contact Exodus International. A URL is provided for them to follow to Exodus.
The presentation of fiction and culture war to public-school youth as though they were literal Biblical truth should deeply disturb conservative evangelicals, and especially Biblical literalists.
The presentation of fiction and culture war to public-school youth as though they were literal Biblical truth should deeply disturb conservative evangelicals, and especially Biblical literalists.
Unfortunately, Exodus’ political allies have demonstrated again that they are willing to commit sacrilege in order to give the “change is possible” mantra an implied Biblical imprimatur. Despite their claims to uphold the Bible, they violate Deuteronomy 12:32, Deuteronomy 4:2, and Revelation 22:18-19, which — according to conservative Christians — forbid additions and changes to Holy Scripture.
I truly hope that people will increasingly see these organizations for what they are: disingenuous liars and religious extremists. They truly give Christianity a foul name and image.
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