Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Fundies Bloviate Over Obama Proclamation

As one might expect, even though the Obama administrations has so far failed to deliver on ANY of the President's campaign promises to LGBT Americans, his issuance of a proclamation yesterday in recognition of Gay Pride month has sent some of the usual professional homo-hater set off into new levels of bat shitery. One who never disappoints is Peter LaBarbera who has made a career out of denigrating gays and doing all in his power to disseminate the failed "choice myth" lie - even though his former ex-gay buddy, Michael Johnston, showed everyone just how false and disingenuous that story line of "leaving the lifestyle" is in fact. Here's a sampling of "The Peter's" latest verbal diarrhea via OneNewsNow:
Pro-family activist says Peter LaBarbera it is sad, but not surprising, that President Obama has chosen to issue a proclamation celebrating homosexuality. The president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality says Obama is pandering to homosexual political activists. "Homosexuality is nothing to be proud of -- bottom line," says LaBarbera. "The fact is people have left the lifestyle, people have overcome homosexuality [with God's help] -- I think that's something to be proud of...."
LaBarbera warns of the repercussions of the president's pursuit of expanded rights for those who are confused about their sexual orientation. "This proclamation talks about the entire radical homosexual agenda that Obama supports -- including homosexualizing the U.S. military [and] federal so-called 'rights' based on homosexuality, which will impinge on the religious freedoms and freedom of conscience of other Americans." Christians, he believes, must reach out to homosexuals with the message of the gospel.
I'm sorry Peter, but what really needs to happen is that you get yourself into so legitimate therapy - as opposed to the "ex-gay witch dotor stuff - and face the fact that you are a self-hating closet case who projects his self-hatred on normal LGBT Americans. Oh, and try getting a real job while you are at it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why people like this get such a stage to promote their hate is beyond me. Peter needs to remember that we are part of this country, & celebrating Gay Pride Month recognizes us as human beings. We saw Sunday what hate language can produce, this must end before others suffer Dr. Tiller's fate.