One of the favorite fund raising ploys of Christianist organizations is to wail and cry false tears over the big, bad well funded militant gay lobby which they claim has ever so much more money to spend that the poor little Christianists. Like pretty much everything else these "Godly Christians" put out, it's all a lie. A very big lie, in fact. Looking at the funding of just one of the major Christianist organizations - Focus on the Family, Daddy Dobson's pro theocracy organization - demonstrates just how big and deliberate this propaganda lie is in reality. According to Guidestar which tracks funds of non=profit organizations, Focus on the Family has three (3) times the money that the Human Rights Campaign takes in. Add to FOF's funds all the moneys of other large Christianist groups like Concerned Women [Bitches] for America, Family Reseacrch Council, American family Association, etc., the disparity in funding becomes enormous. These charts from Box Turtle Bulletin illsutrate the FOF v. HRC funding differential:

While I agree with your opposition to the "Christianists", this post was really vituperative. Calling the CWA "Bitches" only lowers the level of discourse. Also comparing only one organization on each side is hardly fair. As we both know there are many, many Christianist groups as well as many groups that advocate for equal rights for all of us.
GW Bush (Chimperator) has the "terrorists" for a boogie man and the Christianist have the homosexual community with our Gay Agenda. As long as there are people that seek to control others, they have to have a boogie man to protect us from them. Our duty as citizens is to confront these lies with actual truth and facts wherever we can...
Russ in Minnesota
I have tracked CWFA - and many of the other Christianist organizations - for over 8 years and followed the outright, deliberate, intentional lies disseminated on their web sites and through other means - all the while as the LaHaye's partnered gay son works as controller of CWFA. If anything, "bitches" is probably too kind a label for these folks whose merchandise is lies and hate marketed in exchange for wealth and power.
As for comparing only two organizations, I picked the largest from each side of the fray. In actuality, if the funds of the leading Christianist organizations is added up against the funds of all the gay rights organizations, the imbalance vastly increases in favor of the Christianists.
I try whenever possible to expose the lies of the Christianist and to get out the truth through public debates (such as on the Virginia Marriage Amendment where a Regent University plant in the audience tried to make a statement of the standard lies and I was able to recite how Paul Cameron's "research" has been discredited, etc., and he quickly sat down and said nothing further), letters to the editor, this blog and other means. One such truth is that these organizations are among the most dishonest one can ever expect to encounter anywhere - a fact made all the worse by their wrapping themselves in Christianity.
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