The Pentagon is recommending changes in the handling of troops' remains, after it was revealed that a crematorium contracted by the military handles both human and animal cremations. A military official said there have been no instances or charges that human and pet remains were mixed. [My Comment: does anyone seriously trust anything these folks say? After all, they sold us lies about WMD's in Iraq]
Defense Secretary Robert Gates believed the earlier situation was "insensitive and entirely inappropriate for the dignified treatment of our fallen," said Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell. "Our heroes deserve to be better treated than that," Morrell said
Morrell said there is "absolutely no evidence whatsoever at this point that any human remains were at all ever mistreated, or ever not cremated where they were supposed to be cremated. That said, the secretary believes that is it inappropriate, even if permissible under the rules and regulations, to cremate our fallen, our heroes, in a facility that also cremates pets."
1 comment:
I heard this on the radio while at work Friday night. Is there nothing else we can do to disgrace and dishonor our Heros !?!
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