Hillary and her staff are definitely showing that they will do anything to try to win, including subtly playing the race card yet again. All she doing for me is proving that she's not fit to be president and that any thoughts I might have ever had about voting for her need to be seriously reconsidered. Her campaign is busy circulating a photo of Obama dressed in local dress taken while he was on a trip to Africa in 2006. Having traveled to Africa myself on more than one occasion during my in-house counsel days, I know from experience that often visitors are expected to be "good sports" and put on native wordrobe items or eat what the local inhabitants consider food delicacies. To be a good sport/guest, I obliged and even though a few of the foods were pretty disgusting, I ate them nonetheless. Hillary knows this just as surely as I do (see the photo at above left of Hillary and Chelsea), but her campaign is no doubt hoping to inflame latent racism against Obama among ignorant/racist potential primary voters. I hope it bites her right in her very wide ass. I will stay home in November before I vote for HRC. Here highlights from Drudge (
With a week to go until the Texas and Ohio primaries, stressed Clinton staffers circulated a photo over the weekend of a "dressed" Barack Obama. The photo, taken in 2006, shows the Democrat frontrunner fitted as a Somali Elder, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya. The senator was on a five-country tour of Africa. "Wouldn't we be seeing this on the cover of every magazine if it were HRC?" questioned one campaign staffer, in an email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT. Obama campaign manager David Plouffe quickly accused the Clinton campaign Monday of 'shameful offensive fear-mongering' for circulating the snap
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