Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wing Nuts Berate The GOP "Gutless Wonders"

I love it when the fundies and hard right GOP start bashing each other. One can only hope that in 2008 the wingnuts will be sufficiently disillusioned by gay baiting politicians that they stay home on election day. Here's a portion of a rant by Joseph Farah (pictured at left) from World Net Daily (which clearly has an alternate view of the Universe) focused on GOP presidential candidates who passed up on attending the "Value Voters Debate":

Would you elect a man president of the United States who was afraid of tough questioning from Phyllis Schlafly or Star Parker? Would you consider voting for a man who had better things to do than to talk to an audience of millions concerned about the assault on family values? What would you say to front-running GOP presidential candidates who take your vote for granted because they think you have nowhere to go?

These are some of the questions you should be pondering today as we get ready for a Republican presidential debate next Monday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. – a debate in which four major contenders will be conspicuously absent. They are: Willard "Mitt" Romney, Rudolph Giuliani, John McCain and Fred Thompson. Isn't it amazing how scheduling conflicts and other business kept all four of these so-called front-runners from talking directly to people like Isn't it amazing how scheduling conflicts and other business kept all four of these so-called front-runners from talking directly to people like Donald Wildmon and James Dobson and Paul Weyrich and Rick Scarborough? ?

What I find amazing (and frightening) is that Isn't it amazing how scheduling conflicts and other business kept all four of these so-called front-runners from talking directly to people like Donald Wildmon, James Dobson, Paul Weyrich and Rick Scarborough think they should get to anoint the GOP nominee.

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