Friday, August 03, 2007

Studies show that regular Sexual Activity May Have Many Health Benefits

Here's an interesting tid bit from (,5778,s1-1-122-182-7432-1-P,00.html) that I am sure many guys will find interesting:

Q: My husband heard that sex can prevent prostate cancer. Is that really true?
A: (October, 2006)--I can hear it now: "But honey, it's good for my prostate..." The fact is that frequent sex may indeed provide prostate cancer protection. According to an 8-year study of 29,342 men ages 46 to 81, those who ejaculated at least 21 times a month reduced their risk of the disease by a third, compared with those averaging 4 to 7 times a month. Researchers speculate that the active men may be clearing potentially carcinogenic cells from the body.If having sex five times a week sounds a bit much, well, you don't have to shoulder the full responsibility. As it turns out, men gained protection whether their efforts were with a partner or solo.
Just remember, time with your partner between the sheets may help you ward off illness, as well. "Sex increases your circulation, and that boosts your immunity and your cardiovascular fitness," says Laura Berman, PhD, a sex researcher and host of Sexual Healing on Showtime. It can also encourage the release of feel-good endorphins, which may help fend off depression and improve the quality of your sleep. Ah, the promise of a few more Zzzs--wouldn't that get any woman in the mood?
At least 21 times a week? No comment as to where I fall on the spectrum

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