Saturday, September 28, 2024

MAGA Means Never Saying You’re Sorry

Donald Trump and his MAGA surrogates have done incalculable damage to the Republican Party.  Indeed, some former Republicans now believe the party is beyond saving given that endless lying, divisive rhetoric, blatant racism, and embrace of misogyny are now the norm.  One need look no farther than the deliberate lies about Haitian immigrants that have no basis in reality to understand that MAGA carries nothing for those they harm and the hatred they whip up.  To Trump and his cultists, opponents are to be dehumanized and made into targets of violence and endless threats.  Perhaps most disturbing is the embrace of Trump and MAGA by evangelical Christians who have shown themselves to be morally bankrupt as they replace allegiance to Christ and his and gospel message with allegiance to Trump. Nowhere in this hurricane of hate and misogyny does one ever see the slightest impulse to apologize for lies and harm done to others,  Saying one is sorry is nowhere within the the MAGA mindset that believes bad behavior should bear no consequences if it is furtherance of the MAGA cult. The lives of others and morality and decency simply no longer matter.  A piece in The Atlantic looks at the phenomenon: 

Back in 1999—the good old days—a Canadian band that called itself Great Big Sea released a wonderful song titled “Consequence Free.” It was a gentle poke at social conformity, guilt, and, yes, perhaps even what was then called political correctness. “Wouldn’t it be great,” the song goes, “if no one ever got offended? Wouldn’t it be great to say what’s really on your mind?” And then in a soaring plea: “I wanna be—consequence free!”

But I knew that I and these charming Canadian fellows were only engaging in wistful thinking about not being too hard on yourself. We were not daydreaming about how great it would be to fire off racial epithets or chest-thump about being Nazis.

How quaint that seems now.

Today, public figures say things that would have resulted in their disgracing and shunning 25 years ago, all while demanding to be relieved of consequences. Donald Trump, of course, is the poster boy for this juvenile insistence on a life without judgment or criticism. He has made a political career out of “telling it like it is,” which for Trump means saying things that are incendiary (and often untrue) and then pretending to be shocked that anyone could take offense at his guileless candor.

Trump has gotten away with this cowardly schtick for years, and he has built a following among Americans who take his hideous pronouncements as permission to be their worst selves. People now delight in shocking others the way toddlers who have learned their first swear words enjoy seeing the horror of adults around them. This, as the Never Trump conservative writer Rick Wilson once put it, is “performative assholery,” and it is everywhere.

Consider GOP Representative Clay Higgins. If you are fortunate enough not to be acquainted with his political history, Higgins was a captain in a parish sheriff’s department in Louisiana who was forced to resign in 2016 after he referred to Black criminal suspects as “animals,” among other things, along with other unprofessional behavior.

Higgins might have been too racist for a Deep South police department, but not for the voters of Lousiania’s Third Congressional District, which includes Lake Charles and Lafayette, where he was first elected to the House in 2016. This week, Higgins got on the Trump campaign’s bandwagon of hatred directed at Haitians.  . . . . Higgins fired off this post on X:

Lol. These Haitians are wild. Eating pets, vudu, nastiest country in the western hemisphere, cults, slapstick gangsters … but damned if they don’t feel all sophisticated now, filing charges against our President and VP. All these thugs better get their mind right and their ass out of our country before January 20th.

After enough of an uproar, Higgins deleted the post—and then doubled down on it anyway. “It’s all true,” Higgins told CNN yesterday.

Although Higgins is an odious racist, he is also clever: He knows that in the modern Republican Party, tribal loyalty means that political consequences for almost anything are rare. Not only will he remain in the good graces of his constituents, he even had the feckless House leader, Speaker Mike Johnson, covering for him.

The goal was to offend, to stir controversy, to rile up the MAGA faithful—and to get away with it. The whole episode was the very essence of the consequence-free GOP.

Which brings us to the Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson.

Robinson apparently frequented some of the ickier parts of the internet, where he referred to himself as a “black NAZI!” and indulged in online behavior that need not be recounted here; in general, they were things one would not normally associate with a party that prides itself on family values and Christian morality.

Unlike Higgins, Robinson will almost certainly pay the price of an electoral loss. But amazingly, not only has he refused to withdraw from the race—which at least would have been an act of mercy to his party—but he won’t step down from his post as the lieutenant governor of North Carolina, either. After all, why should he? He’s the victim here, you see: He has denied the accusations and is even threatening to sue CNN for publishing these terrible things. (And yet, for some reason, when supporters offered to connect him with tech specialists to help investigate how all the stuff that seems to point to him ended up on the internet, he reportedly refused their assistance.)

Now, it’s true that the GOP does not have a monopoly on denial and huffy self-righteousness. Yesterday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was hit with a barrel of federal charges and his reaction was positively Trumpian: . . . .

Republicans, too, sometimes end up in court—Trump, after all, has been indicted in multiple jurisdictions and convicted in one so far—but for the MAGA base, it is almost a badge of honor when a Republican is charged with crimes. Trump and others have argued that the current Justice Department is merely a Democratic political weapon, but that’s an odd charge against a DOJ that has sought accountability not just from Adams but from disgraced (and convicted) former Senator Bob Menendez and many other Democrats, including President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

The GOP, meanwhile, so far can’t bring itself even to censure Higgins or to call on Robinson to step down from his office.

Higgins and Robinson, of course, do not belong in a courtroom: Being an offensive jerk is not a crime. But their behavior does raise the question of what, exactly, it takes to be ostracized by the Republican Party and its voters. When does so much racism, misogyny, and xenophobia finally become so toxic that Republicans join with other decent people in rejecting such behavior?

Right now, the limit for this kind of ghastliness does not seem to exist. And that is a tragedy for what’s left of the GOP—as well as for the civic health of the world’s greatest democracy.

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