Thursday, April 23, 2015

New England Journal of Medicine To SCOTUS: Say Yes To Marriage

The opponents of same sex marriage have had quacks, religious zealots, and fraudulent researchers file amicus briefs with the United States Supreme Court ("SCOTUS") in Obergefell V. Hodges going to great lengths to mask the reality that same sex marriage bans are first and last based on anti-gay animus, ignorance and religious extremist bigotry.   Perhaps in response to the parade of batshitery on display from the "godly folk," the New England Journal of Medicine - one of the most respected medical periodicals - has published an editorial in support of marriage equality.  Among the reasons cited for the editorial's position is that marriage equality promotes the health of same sex couples and their children.  The Christofascist blather on about "hating the sin, but loving the sinner" and caring about "the children," yet in reality they do not give a damn about LGBT individuals or their children.  The truth is that they would prefer it if we all just died and disappeared. Here are editorial highlights:
Eleven years ago, Massachusetts became the first state in the country to give same-sex marriages full legal recognition. Today, same-sex marriage is legal, through legislative or judicial action or by popular vote, in more than 35 states and the District of Columbia. It is recognized by the federal government. And polls consistently show that it is supported by a clear majority of Americans. However, in Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, and Tennessee, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of laws and constitutional amendments that define marriage as a union between a man and a woman only, denying recognition of same-sex marriage.  . . . .  We believe that the Court should resolve this conflict in favor of the full recognition of same-sex marriage throughout the United States. 

A fundamental tenet of all medical care is the acceptance of patients as they are, for who they are, with respect and without prejudice or personal agendas. In most of the world, including the United States, there has been a long, sad history of mistreatment of homosexuals and misunderstanding of homosexuality, a normal expression of human sexuality. This mistreatment has ranged from disrespect to ridicule, from ostracizing to genocide. . . . And there are still health care providers who offer ways to “treat” homosexuality as if it were an illness.

Many of us in decades past have known people who felt they had no choice but to hide their homosexuality with false behaviors and sham marriages. Too often physicians have seen the price that their patients have paid for society's lack of acceptance of homosexuality. Stigma and shame lead to stress, anxiety, dysfunctional behavior, depression, even suicide..

Same-sex marriage should be accepted both as a matter of justice and as a measure that promotes health. Marriage as an institution is about stable, long-term relationships, which we know encourage health, reduce the risk of some diseases, and promote healthy families. All health professionals know that in those with chronic and severe illness, care almost always relies in part on family. And when things get really difficult, as when life and death decisions need to be made, physicians know that talking with a patient's partner is not legally the same as working with a patient's spouse. Many same-sex couples are now raising children, and the health of those children demands that their parents have the full rights and protection of marriage. In our society, marriage is often essential to obtaining and keeping adequate health insurance coverage for both members of a couple and for their children. More than 1000 federal benefits are conferred by marriage, among them access to family medical leave, Medicaid, and Veterans Affairs medical services.

The Supreme Court should require the full recognition of same-sex marriage throughout this country. If the Court rules otherwise, whatever the legal logic, a clear injustice will result. And that injustice would damage the health and welfare of millions of Americans.

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